Monthly Archives: December 2014

Reverse engineered!

It took me a while to get it done, but ever since i got my hands on a LaCie Fuel and applied the mod from, i finally managed to finish understanding their JSON.

it might take a while longer but i might just be able to get a iOS Native app out of this…

Triggering Web Services from iOS… WebSet

WebSet is a application that helps to interface the iOS button and switch controls to any provided URL as a query string. This provides a way to easily create DIY web services that can be controlled by an iOS application.

To use this app, you have to ensure that the web service you are trying to connect to accepts the right format of a query string and response with a valid JSON. Simply add a web end-point with the relevant information, providing sample information if your end-point doesn’t require it. When adding the URL, test it and a sample of the URL that will be transmitted will be shown. Be sure that the URL connects successfully as you will not be able to change it once its added!

A setting will start off being disabled and you would have to enable it. The label colors grey, black, orange, green and red displays the web state as disabled, enabled, transmitted, responded and error respectively.\n\nIn order to read the state of the switch, it is required that one of the JSON keys returned contains “state” 1 or 0.

A sample looks like

{ “state” : 1 }

To refresh the state of the controls, drag the list view down to refresh.

We encourage all URLs to be in HTTPS for security reasons.